Way Down Under the Ground
by Ceren Ak I am a winter person. I hate the sun, the burning and the heat. I can literally feel my skin cooking whenever I am under the bright sun light. However, whenever I…
The Processing of Finds in the Excavation House
by Jonas Laxander What happens to the finds from the excavation on Keber Tepe? Who works in the find processing and what does a typical day at the excavation house look like? A key step…
How Do We Protect the finds from the excavation?
by Özgün Öykü Şanlı Greetings from Antep! The day at Doliche starts at 07.00 in the conservation-restoration laboratory. The first thing we do is to get our scalpels, bristle brushes and cotton bamboo sticks ready.…
The entablature of the Roman Imperial Temple
by Verena Mähser The building research team led by Theresa Pommer has been working for three years on the monumental Roman temple in the centre of ancient Doliche. The aim is to study the building…
AMS 104 „Dülük Baba Tepesi I: Das frühe Heiligtum. Architektur, Baustratigraphie und Baugeschichte, archäozoologische Funde, Bauglieder, Keramik, Glas, Münzen und nichtkeramische Kleinfunde im Befundkontext. Dolichener und Kommagenische Forschungen XIV“
Der vorliegende 104. Band der Reihe Asia Minor Studien ist der erste in einer Reihe vonPublikationen, in denen nicht die Einzelfunde, sondern der archäologische Befund in situ aufdem Dülük Baba Tepesi im Zentrum der Betrachtung…
A new season begins. Doliche 2024
The end of July marked the start of a new season of excavations in Doliche. Over the next two months, an international team of specialists and students will continue to explore the ancient city of…
AMS 103 „The palace of Samosata. Objectscapes, ancient globalization and cultural transformation in Commagene (4th c. BCE – 1st c. CE)“
Volume 103 offers an innovative analysis of cultural transformation in Hellenistic and early-Roman Samosata, the capital of Commagene, where a large and lavishly decorated palatial structure was excavated in the 1980s. On the basis of…
Over sticks and stones
A small video documentation of this year’s campaign While this year’s campaign, admittedly, fell a bit short regarding the posts here on our blog, we were hard-pressed due to time constraints and other problems. Luckily,…
Oh, Temple of the hill, what is your wisdom?
Building archaeology accompanying the 2022 campaign As you could already read about in another post, the focus while excavating this year lies on a roman imperial temple, found in the ancient city centre. While the…