Oh, Temple of the hill, what is your wisdom?
Building archaeology accompanying the 2022 campaign As you could already read about in another post, the focus while excavating this year lies on a roman imperial temple, found in the ancient city centre. While the…
My Experience in Ankara
An Internship at the UNESCO Chair of Cultural Heritage and Digital Memory During February and March, I had the opportunity to take part in an internship in Ankara in cooperation with the UNESCO Chair of…
Excavating the Past
In the last couple of weeks, our own Prof. Winter was approached by the podcast team of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität to talk a bit about his life and the development of the Doliche Urban Excavation…
A very ’small‘ update
During this year’s campaign, we finally finished the work on a grave chamber in Doliche which we had the opportunity to excavate in 2017. The chamber was robbed already in late antiquity and most of…
What a guitar, water ice, and a headband have to do with an excavation…
We are now in the fifth week here on the excavation, and meanwhile the team has settled in the excavation house and everyone has found their own rhythm. The things that sweeten life in midsummer…
A Sunday in Cilicia
It’s Sunday! And on this Sunday we are going on a trip to Cilicia. It will take about 2 hours to get there from Gaziantep, so we leave at 9am. Most of our excavation team…
First time in Doliche and on an excavation
This year was my first time in Gaziantep/Doliche and the excavation was a harder challenge for me than I anticipated. I left Germany during 17 degrees weather and found myself around 40 Celsius degrees in…
Following the footprints of Palaeolithic pioneers at Dülük
Dülük is one of the most important open air Palaeolithic sites in Turkey. Muine Atasayan discovered it in 1938. She visited Dülük village and Roman tombs near it in 14th February 1938 with students from…
Digital Documentation of the Doliche Kebertepe Hillside Church
Doliche Kebertepe Yamaç Kilisesi’nin Sayısal Belgeleme Çalışması As part of the 2021 excavations, a team of faculty and students from Başkent University Cultural Heritage and Digital Memory UNESCO Chair (Ankara) and Ankara Bilim University (Ankara)…
4.500 kilometers to Doliche
The excavation campaign 2021 has started! Most of the team members arrived here by plane, but a group of 4 of us took the car and drove all the way from Münster (Germany) to Doliche…