In order to show you how excavations work exactly, we decided to give you an example by case. Because the 2020 campaign just started, this year’s trenches aren’t nearly ready to show the process of…
Our excavation house is situated at the fringes of a small village called Dülük. The Village is situated just north of Gaziantep the 6th biggest city of Turkey and the centre of the wider region…
A small tour around our Grabungshaus. Where and how do we live during the campaign. Did you ever wonder where archaeologists are living during a campaign abroad? Well, today I will show you our home…
During a time of a global pandemic like this, it is of course important to make sure that the health and well-being of everybody involved is not endangered. Therefore, we made preparations and plans even…
Welcome! Today is the first day of this year’s excavation in Doliche. And not only the excavation is starting, but also this very shiny and new blog you are reading right now! In the following…