For our third weekend of this year’s campaign, we planned an overnight trip to Antakya from the 10th to the 11th of September. Antakya presented itself as a compelling destination for the modern city is…
Last year, excavations started on the newly acquired field 414 in the eastern part of Doliche. The field is adjacent to the area, where we have excavated a Roman imperial bath house and remains of…
The Fieldwork strikes back! After a late arrival in Doliche this year due to a postponement of a couple of weeks, our yearly excavation in Gaziantep is a go! And with this late start everybody…
Results of our 2021 campaign Now that some time has passed after the end of our field campaign, and after we have returned to our offices in Germany, we had the time to begin analysing…
The ancient city of Doliche, where our excavation takes place, sits on one of the many hills, which define the landscape around the modern village of Dülük. While we are working throughout the week the…
The working day starts after a quick breakfast at 6:45 am. At first, we must put the finds from the previous day into the database and sort it into boxes in the depot or give…
During this year’s campaign, we conducted a short interview with the workers we work with every day. The people we interviewed are from different age groups, so we hoped to see different perspectives this way.…
At the moment, everybody working within the Forschungsstelle here in Münster is buzzing with excitement, for this year’s campaign in Turkey is right around the bend! Currently, we are all hard at work preparing for…
We hope all of you had an easy transition and a good start into 2021 so far. Covid-19 is of course an ongoing situation still, but here goes hoping that we can handle the situation…
It has been almost 70 years since the Historian and Founder of the Forschungsstelle Asia Minor Friedrich Karl Dörner discovered the royal residence of Arsameia at the Nymphaios – dating back into the 1st century…
Now that we have settled in again in Germany, work continues on our excavation project. Even if we don’t work in the field right now, there is a lot to do! While we digitalize all…
And that is not only because of the name of our project director, Prof. Dr. Winter, but also because the winters here in Doliche can be quite harsh. In comparison to the high temperature/ low…
The last time we spoke about this year’s excavation results was during our half-time show a couple of weeks back. Now that the actual excavation has finished on Saturday, it’s time to show you this…
The Wall Decoration of the Ancient Terrace Basilica In Doliche, a soft limestone was the used for almost every building from the Hellenistic period to the Middle Ages. It was abundantly available and could be…
A few posts ago, we described to you how a section of a field becomes a trench: we excavate layer by layer and designate a new planum whenever a striking change in the ground is…
Merhaba! Bu yazımızda; bizi arazide en heyecanlandıran şeylerden birinden bahsedeceğiz: Mozaik taban! Bu yılki çalışmamızda; küçük renkli taş parçalarının bir araya gelerek göz alıcı bir hale büründüğü bir zemin bulduk. Bu sürecin daha iyi anlaşılması…
As the main educational element under the Stewards of Cultural Heritage Project, the German Archaeological Institute – Istanbul branch, in close cooperation with the Seminar für Alte Geschichte, Forschungsstelle Asia Minor at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität…
On a normal workday we start with our work in the field at 7:00 am. Therefore, we have breakfast at around 6:15 and proceed to pack all the things needed for the workday in the…