Maintaining the Ancient
As the main educational element under the Stewards of Cultural Heritage Project, the German Archaeological Institute – Istanbul branch, in close cooperation with the Seminar für Alte Geschichte, Forschungsstelle Asia Minor at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität…
Workflow in Doliche
On a normal workday we start with our work in the field at 7:00 am. Therefore, we have breakfast at around 6:15 and proceed to pack all the things needed for the workday in the…
Where the Magic Happens
During every campaign our excavation teams find a host of small finds like coins, sealing impressions, pearls and other objects from different time periods. When they are uncovered, it is normally not possible to recognize…
The Doliche Halftime Show
Now that roughly half of our 2020 excavation campaign is over, we thought we’d show you the state of our progress and the trenches we are working on in 2020. This year we are working…
Sunday Funday!
Yesterday on Sunday we had our weekly day off. In a usual situation, that’s without Covid being around, we would go on trips to different archaeological sites, cities and other nice places to visit. However,…
Pistachio Country
The area of the ancient city of Doliche is very fertile and used for agricultural purposes today. Accordingly, our excavation areas are surrounded by dozens of small fields, and when we are digging our neighbours…
Of Sieves and Sealings
One of our current side projects is sieving a lot of soil left over from the campaign last year. In this soil we expect to have a load of small sealing imprints, left over from…
From Field to Trench
In order to show you how excavations work exactly, we decided to give you an example by case. Because the 2020 campaign just started, this year’s trenches aren’t nearly ready to show the process of…
The two hills of Doliche
Our excavation house is situated at the fringes of a small village called Dülük. The Village is situated just north of Gaziantep the 6th biggest city of Turkey and the centre of the wider region…
But! Where do we even live?
A small tour around our Grabungshaus. Where and how do we live during the campaign. Did you ever wonder where archaeologists are living during a campaign abroad? Well, today I will show you our home…